Premier Chicago Nanny Agency & Babysitting Service
Destination Sitters’ provides professional nanny, mother's helper, and babysitting services for travelers visiting Chicago, IL. We connect you with background checked, reliable, and experienced local Chicago babysitters hand-picked for their genuine love of children.
We specialize in traveling families and our Chicago babysitters come directly to your hotel room or vacation rental. Our babysitters have experience working on premises at a wide variety of properties - ranging from luxury hotels including The Four Seasons, Loews, & Waldorf Astoria to Airbnb and VRBO rentals.
Our goal is to make it easy to find quality childcare while traveling and to give parents peace of mind while they explore all Chicago has to offer.
The Best Choice For Traveling Families in Chicago
Chicago Babysitting Rates
Destination Sitters' Reviews
Love the ease of making the reservation. Simple, straight-forward price where it is only an hourly fee. No extra or "hidden" additional costs. Greatly appreciate Yvonne making the reservation with the same sitter (Lauren) for the day where Lauren came in the morning for 4 hours then return to the hotel in the evening for another 4 hours. This really helped my 2year old adjust easily with Lauren. Just wanted to add that Lauren Crites is fantastic! My 2-year old can have stranger anxiety where if I'm not there, she would not want to stay with a sitter. Let me just say, my daughter immediately adjusted with Lauren. There were no tears. I was able to easily leave her in the hands of Lauren without any worry. Lauren is very calm, flexible, easy-going, extremely attentive to my 2 year-old and would even interact/play with my 5year old (he didn't feel left out) while at Camp Pelican. Thank you for making our visit enjoyable. Now I have a reason to return to the area again!
Great service. Michelle was just terrific. She made our vacation that much better.
The convenience of finding a reliable and trustworthy sitter at the last minute.
Our experience with Destination Sitters' was perfect! Martha was great with our 3-year-old boy. She was professional, yet very friendly and had lots of toys/games that instantly had him engaged. It was clear that he felt comfortable with her and they had a good rapport within minutes. He even invited her out to "Vegas" to see us. We would definitely use the service again. As a mother, I really appreciated how nurturing she was with our boy, especially since he was feeling a bit under the weather.
I just left this review on Yelp and thought I'd share with you: Our family went on a work/family trip to Anaheim. I spent my days with our two daughters (ages 9 & 7) while my husband was at his conference. At night, the husband and I had many events to attend. We hired Destination Sitters on a recommendation from a co-worker. We were assigned Kathy N. as our sitter and could not have received a better sitter for our girls! She has a nurturing personality, along with an education background. She kept our girls thoroughly entertained by bringing her own games to play with them, her swimsuit to hang out at the pool, and her genuine attitude of caring about children. Never once did we have a doubt the girls were well taken care of, as all they could talk about the next day was how much fun they had with Kathy. If you're traveling and need a sitter, put your mind at ease and go with Destination Sitters!
I appreciate the professionalism and being able to contact the main office and speak to someone in person at any time. The sitter, Maria, was just incredible. Not only did she show up a little earlier and immediately started caring for the kids (which helped me get ready for my outing), but she completed all my requests better than I expected; she took kiddos outside to the beach and then to nearby park to play. She fed them, gave them baths, etc. best part was that she also responded to my texts and that gave me incredible peace of mind. It was a great experience. We'll be back.
We’ve transformed the way parents can travel with their kids!
Frequently Asked Questions
Destination Sitters connects families visiting Chicago, IL with referred screened and trusted babysitters.
Parents can book directly on-line or by calling us (312) 561-9350 or 1-888-SIT-KIDZ (1-888-748-5439)
We match babysitters with the parents' and children's needs. After making a reservation, parents will receive a sit confirmation confirming their hotel, date and time requested, any specific instructions for the sitter and a profile of their sitter. Bookings must be for a minimum of 4 hours and can be longer. Reservations are held with a credit card and there may be cancellation fees if booked sits are cancelled within twenty-four hours of the sit time or otherwise. Please review our Cancellation Policy.
Our sitters arrive early to make sure you can be on time with your plans and to go over your specific instructions and the permission forms. Babysitters wear a Destination Sitters' polo shirt and have a picture ID (so you and other guests know this is your babysitter) and bring age-appropriate toys, games, books, and activities.
Destination Sitters refers reliable and trustworthy babysitters in Chicago, IL, giving you peace of mind while you go out for date night, attend corporate events, weddings, or explore the city.
While everyone assumes that the state has minimum standards for temporary babysitting, there are no state standards or licensing requirements for temporary childcare.
Destination Sitters has created standards for its sitters.
All Destination Sitters
1. are background checked, drug tested
2. have professional and personal references checked
3. have provided First Aid & CPR certificates
4. are undergraduates, graduate students, moms, and grandmothers
5. average between 22-28 years old, though we also can refer older sitters (minimum age is 18)
Many companies claim to be "Licensed and Bonded." Since there is no state "license" for temporary childcare, their license is merely a city business license, which all businesses are required to have. The bond is most often either a surety bond (for the sitter to get paid) or for theft (usually limited to $3,000-$5,000) for the owner, not the sitter. A bond is not liability insurance.
Destination Sitters strives to accommodate requests for specific babysitters in Chicago, IL, providing continuity of care for your children.
Parents can request the same babysitter every time or for multiple day sits. We will do our best to accommodate the same sitter for a family's babysitting request. Since it's subject to the babysitter's availability, we suggest booking your sit request at least 24 hours in advance, and more if it's a multi-day request. Of course, any last-minute sit requests are always subject to sitters’ availability and our confirming a babysitter to you.
Yes, After booking a babysitter, parents will receive a sit confirmation, which includes the sitter's profile and specific information confirming the parents’ hotel, hotel's address, date(s), and time(s) of their childcare request in Chicago, IL.
Parents should review their sit confirmation and make sure ALL information they provide to us is correct; and confirm the dates and times provided. Many cities have hotels with similar names and/or multiple locations.…For example: Hyatt, Hilton, Marriott, Four Seasons, Loews, etc, all have several hotels in each area in which we provide babysitting services; we want to send the sitter to the correct location!
It is recommended to give Destination Sitters in Chicago, IL as much notice as possible to ensure the availability of a babysitter.
We suggest that you make a babysitting reservation at least 24 hours in advance to match your children with the best babysitter for your needs, but we will make every effort to book any same day babysitting request and can usually accommodate you. Any last-minute sit requests are always subject to the sitters who are available and all requests to our confirming a babysitter to you.
You can book a babysitter in Chicago?
- Book Now
- Phone (312) 561-9350 or 1-888-SIT-KIDZ (1-888-748-5439)
We will be happy to go over any questions you might have. We are here to serve your babysitting needs when traveling. We strive to create Peace of Mind® for the traveling parent by finding a fully screened, vetted and trusted babysitter to you when on vacation.
Payment details and methods will be provided during the booking process in Chicago, IL.
We hold your babysitting reservation with a credit card. The babysitting fees will be charged to the credit card on file. You will confirm the sitter's total hours, and any reimbursable expenses (e.g., at some hotels, sitter's parking) on the invoice and a receipt will be emailed the following day(s).
In order, to give parents Peace of Mind® when traveling with their children, Destination Sitters created what we believe are the toughest screening standards in the industry.
The babysitters referred by Destination Sitters in Chicago, IL:
- are background checked
- are drug tested
- have professional references checked
- have personal references checked
- have provided First Aid & CPR certificates
All of which provides an added level of comfort for you.
ALL screening MUST be completed before a sitter can sit.
Sitters arrive in/with:
- A Destination Sitters logo polo shirt (so you and other guests know this is your babysitter)
- A Destination Sitters photo issued ID Tag (again, so you and other guests know this is your babysitter)
- A bag of toys, books and games for the child(ren)'s entertainment
Many of our babysitters:
• are bilingual, with over half a dozen languages represented
• specialize in families of children with special needs
• do pet sitting
• provide elder care by watching or accompanying on elderly parent
• can be a mother's helper or an extra set of hands
These babysitters' experience, references and talents speak for themselves.
You can contact us by:
Phone • (312) 561-9350 or 1-888-SIT-KIDZ (1-888-748-5439)
Email •
- Office hours 9:00am – 6:00pm, 7 days a week
- A 24 hour answering service outside of business hours
- A Destination Sitters agent on call after hours for questions regarding only confirmed bookings.
Confirmed babysitting sits must be cancelled in advance or a cancellation fee will be charged.
Cancellations can only be made by talking to a live person. For example, cancellations may NOT be made via text or email or by leaving a voice mail.
Please read through the entire policy; cancellation fees vary depending on the length of time of the sit and the number of days booked. Please call us if you have any questions!
Destination Sitters babysitting requests for one-day and only 4 hours must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance of the reserved babysitting start time or a 4-hour minimum charge at the confirmed hourly rate will be charged to the credit card on file.
For two, three, or more multi-day sits of 4 hours each, a 4-hour minimum charge at the confirmed hourly rate will be charged for each day that sits have been booked, unless the sits are cancelled the same number of days in advance. So, for example, if you have booked a hotel babysitter for two days, that sit of two days must be cancelled at least 48 hours before the first reserved sit start time or two 4-hour minimum charges (i.e., 8 hours – one 4-hour charge for each of the two booked days) at the confirmed hourly rate will be charged. Sits of three days must be cancelled at least 72 hours before the first reserved sit start time or three 4-hour minimum charges (i.e., 12 hours – one 4-hour charge for each of the three booked days) at the confirmed hourly rate will be charged. Sits of four days must be cancelled at least four days in advance of the first reserved sit start time or four, 4-hour minimum charges (16 hours) at the confirmed hourly rate will be charged.
For sits longer than 4 hours each day or for more than four days, at a minimum, the above policy shall apply; however, please contact the office to see if an additional cancellation policy could apply to your sit.
Sits on Destination Sitters’ designated holidays require notice at least 72 hours in advance of the first reserved sit time and other cancellation fees may apply depending on the length of the booked sit, etc.
We look forward to providing you with hotel babysitting, event childcare or childcare at other destinations!
Number of Children
Price per Hour
Major Credit Cards Accepted:
Finding a babysitter in Chicago, IL can feel overwhelming at first. We know that as traveling parents, convenience is key. That's why we offer a seamless online booking form, making it easy for you to find a local babysitter near you with just a few clicks Book Now or (312) 561-9350! We’ll work to connect you with pre-screened babysitters who have childcare experience, are background checked, drug tested, and reference checked and have provided First Aid & CPR certificates. The babysitters we refer, in addition to hotel babysitting services, also provide hotel pet sitting, allowing you to enjoy your time without worries about your furry family member.
Give Parents Peace of Mind®
Quality childcare while you explore Chicago, IL
Take a Selfie with the "bean" at Millenium Park
Spoil yourself with high-end shopping and dining at Magnificent Mile
Take in the city views on the Chicago Riverwalk